Learn about the comprehensive list of military ranks in the UK Armed Forces, including the British Army, Royal Navy, and Royal Air Force

Full List of Military Ranks in the UK

When it comes to the military forces in the UK, there is a well-defined hierarchy of ranks. These ranks are crucial in maintaining discipline, organization, and command within the UK armed forces. This article will provide you with a comprehensive list of military ranks in the UK.

British Army Military Ranks

The British Army is the land warfare force of the UK. It has a wide range of ranks, each with its own responsibilities and authority. Here are the main ranks in the British Army:

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Commissioned Officers

Commissioned officers are the leaders and decision-makers in the British Army. They are responsible for planning & executing military operations and guiding their subordinates. Here are the military ranks of commissioned officers in the British Army:

Command SizeCommand AppointmentTime Taken for A Promotion
Currently an honorary rank    N/A
GeneralMost Senior rank
BrigadierBrigade or director of staff.
ColonelField command in the Royal Army Medical Corps.Staff officers.
Up to 650 soldiers and officers.Battalion/ regiment/battlegroup.
MajorUp to 120 soldiers and officers.    Company/battery/squadron.After being in the army for between 8 and 10 years.
CaptainBetween 50 and 120 soldiers.After 3 years of commissioned service.
Lieutenant    35 soldiers    PlatoonUp to 2 years after reaching second lieutenant rank.
After completing officer training.
Officer CadetNo commandN/A

Non-Commissioned Officers

Non-commissioned officers (NCOs) are the backbone of the British Army. They are responsible for training and leading soldiers and ensuring the smooth functioning of military operations. The military ranks of non commissioned officers in the British Army in the UK are as follows:

RankCommand Size & AppointmentTime Taken for a Promotion
Warrant Officer class 1Referred to individually by appointment. The most senior advisors to battalions and commanding officers. Responsible for the discipline and equipment of officers and soldiers.18 years with an outstanding service record.
Warrant Officer class 2Referred to individually by appointment. A senior management role of companies, batteries, and squadrons.N/A
Staff/Color SergeantManagement role of a company, battery, or squadron, or serves as platoon commander.After a few years as a sergeant.
SergeantSecond in command of a troop or platoon.After serving for 12 years.
CorporalGenerally, commands a section or a single tank.After serving for 6–8 years.
Lance CorporalSecond in command of a section, or leader of a fire team.Finished Phase 2 training or after 3 years as a private.
PrivateNo command.Finished Phase 1 training.

Royal Navy Military Ranks

The Royal Navy is the maritime branch of the British Armed Forces. It is responsible for protecting the nation’s interests at sea. The ranks in the Royal Navy are divided into commissioned officers, warrant officers, senior rates, and junior rates.

Commissioned Officers

Commissioned officers in the Royal Navy are responsible for commanding ships, submarines, and aircraft and leading naval operations. The military ranks of commissioned officers in the Royal Navy in the UK are as follows:

Royal Navy CO Military RankRole Description
AdmiralThe highest-ranking officer in the Royal Navy is the Admiral. Admirals are responsible for strategic planning and decision-making, overseeing the entire naval force.
Vice AdmiralAssists in the strategic planning & undertaking of naval operations.
Rear AdmiralThey are senior officers who play a crucial role in overseeing and coordinating naval operations. They manage a specific region or fleet, ensuring its readiness and effectiveness.
CommodoreSenior officers responsible for the command of a group of ships or units within the Royal Navy.
CaptainSenior officers commanding a ship or submarine within the Royal Navy. They ensure the safety, readiness, and operational effectiveness of their vessel. Captains also play a crucial role in managing the crew and overseeing day-to-day operations.
CommanderOfficers who hold significant leadership positions within the Royal Navy. They manage and command a naval unit, such as a frigate or destroyer.
Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commanders also act as a bridge between the commanding officer and the rest of the crew.
Lieutenant Junior officers who hold important positions within the Royal Navy. They are responsible for various duties, including navigation, communications, and overseeing the vessel’s safety.
Sub-Lieutenant Junior officers in the early stages of their naval career. They undergo training and gain experience in various aspects of maritime operations.
MidshipmanMidshipmen are entry-level officers in the initial stages of their naval training. They undergo comprehensive training programs to develop their skills and knowledge in preparation for future roles within the Royal Navy. Midshipmen often serve as assistants to more senior officers.

Non-Commissioned Officers

Non-commissioned officers in the Royal Navy hold leadership positions and provide expertise in their respective fields. The military ranks of non commissioned officers in the Royal Navy in the UK are as follows:

Royal Navy NCO Military RankRole Description
Warrant Officers The highest-ranking non-commissioned officers in the Royal Navy. They are experts in their field and provide specialist advice to both senior ratings and commissioned officers. They also play a crucial role in maintaining discipline and morale within the Navy.
Chief Petty Officers They are responsible for the day-to-day management of their department and act as a bridge between the junior ratings and commissioned officers.
Petty OfficersResponsible for leading teams of ratings within their department. They provide technical expertise and ensure that tasks are completed to a high standard.
Leading SeamanThey assist Able Seamen in their duties and may be responsible for training and mentoring junior ratings.
Able SeamanAble Seamen are the most junior of the non-commissioned ranks. They are responsible for general maintenance, lookout duties, and assisting in the operation of the ship. They can also specialize in areas such as warfare, engineering, or logistics.

Royal Air Force Military Ranks

The Royal Air Force (RAF) is the aerial warfare branch of the British Armed Forces. It plays a crucial role in defending the UK’s airspace and projecting air power worldwide.

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Commissioned Officers

The commissioned officers in the RAF hold positions of leadership. They are responsible for commanding and managing the various units within the organization. The military ranks of commissioned officers in the RAF in the UK are as follows:

RAF CO Military RankRole Description
Marshal of the Royal Air ForceThe highest-ranking officer in the RAF, the Air Chief Marshal, serves as the principal military advisor to the Secretary of State for Defense. They are responsible for strategic planning and decision-making.
Air Chief MarshalThey are responsible for overseeing operations and managing resources at the operational level.
Air MarshalResponsible for managing and directing operational activities.
Air Vice-MarshalSenior officers who assist Air Marshals in their duties. They often hold key positions in planning and managing operations.
Air CommodoreResponsible for commanding RAF stations and managing the day-to-day operations of their assigned units.
Group CaptainGroup Captains are responsible for commanding RAF stations and units.
Wing CommanderResponsible for commanding operational units within the RAF.
Squadron Leaderresponsible for commanding RAF squadrons.
Flight LieutenantFlight Lieutenants are experienced officers who often serve as senior pilots or flight commanders.
Flying Officer Junior commissioned officers who have completed their initial training.
Pilot OfficerNewly commissioned officers who are still in training.

Non-Commissioned Officers

The military ranks of non commissioned officers in the RAF in the UK are as follows:

RAF NCO Military RankRole Description
Warrant OfficerSenior non-commissioned officers who provide leadership and guidance to junior ranks.
Flight SergeantResponsible for the discipline and welfare of the airmen under their command.
Chief TechnicianHighly skilled technicians who supervise and manage maintenance activities.
SergeantExperienced non-commissioned officers who provide leadership and instruction to junior ranks.
CorporalResponsible for the supervision and training of more junior ranks.
Junior TechnicianSkilled technicians who work under the supervision of senior technicians.
Senior Aircraftman/AircraftwomanSkilled tradespersons who provide support to RAF operations.
Leading Aircraftman/Aircraftwomanjunior ranks who provide support to RAF operations.
Aircraftman/AircraftwomanEntry-level ranks in the RAF, responsible for carrying out a range of tasks to support operational activities.

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